Sixpair Mac

Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: ROS tutorials.

. sixpair.c version 2007-04-18. Compile with: gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify. it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published. the Free Software Foundation; version 2. Gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb. With Sixpair now compiled on our Raspberry Pi, we need to plug our PS3 Controller into the Raspberry Pi using the USB mini cable. Once the controller has been plugged in, we can run sixpair by running the command below. Sixpair will re-configure the controller so that it will talk with our Bluetooth device. Pair PS3 Dualshock 3 Sixaxis controller with Macbook Pro. I have read many threads with instructions on how to pair a PS3 Dualshock 3 controller with my Macbook Pro. I have stumbled at the same hurdle every time without success in that no matter what variation of connecting the controller with lights flashing quickly or slowly or not at all. Download Sixaxis Pair Tool - Pair Sixaxis, Navigation, Dual Shock 3 and Dual Shock 4 controllers with your phone and use them to play mobile games with the help of the Sixaxis Controller Android app.

How to Pair the PS3 Joystick with a Bluetooth Dongle

Description: This tutorial is an introduction to using the PS3 DualShock 3 Joystick connected via bluetooth to a desktop computer. After reading it, you should be able to bring up the ps3joy node and display the data coming from the joystick.
Keywords: PS3, joystick, driver
Tutorial Level: BEGINNER
Next Tutorial:Writing a teleop node


  1. Pairing


Start by installing the dependencies and compiling the driver:


If this joystick has already been paired to this dongle you can skip this section and go directly to 'Connecting to the Joystick Via Bluetooth'. This will usually be the case when you are working on the PR2.

For Computers with More than One USB Port

Plug the USB bluetooth dongle into your computer. Then, plug the PS3 bluetooth joystick into the computer using a USB cable.

Load the bluetooth dongle's MAC address into the PS3 joystick using:

You will see something similar to:

Press Ctrl-D now so that you do not continue to run as root.

If you get something like the following:

Run the command:

and then retry:

For Computers with One USB Port

Plug the USB bluetooth dongle into the computer and read the MAC address from the dongle:

You will see something like this:

(In the above example, the MAC address is: 00:22:B0:D0:5A:09)

Now unplug the bluetooth dongle and plug the PS3 joystick into the computer using a USB cable. Replace the joystick's MAC address using the following command:

You will see something like this:

Press Ctrl-D now so that you do not continue to run as root.

Connecting to the Joystick Via Bluetooth

Unplug the joystick from the computer and make sure that the USB bluetooth dongle is plugged in. Now, start the program to create the connection between the bluetooth dongle and the joystick:

You will see:

Press the PS button in the middle of the joystick and the connection will be activated.

You will see:

If you do not see the above message and you are running Karmic or Lucid versions of Ubuntu you may need to follow these instructions.

Confirming Joystick Input

In a new terminal, confirm that the joystick is sending data to your computer. You can test this with jstest:

(if this does not work, try replacing ? with the number of your joystick --try tab completing, i.e. /dev/input/js0 )

You will see output that looks like this and changes as you press buttons and move the joysticks:

Unpairing the Joystick

If you ever need to unpair the joystick, you can simply press the pairing button for 10 seconds. The lights on the joystick should stop blinking.

Note: This tutorial assumes that you have completed the previous tutorials: ROS tutorials.
Please ask about problems and questions regarding this tutorial on Don't forget to include in your question the link to this page, the versions of your OS & ROS, and also add appropriate tags.
Description: This tutorial is an introduction to using the PS3 DualShock 3 Joystick connected via bluetooth to a desktop computer. After reading it, you should be able to bring up the ps3joy node and display the data coming from the joystick.
Keywords: PS3, joystick, driver

Sixpair For Mac

Tutorial Level:

Sixpair Mac Download

Next Tutorial:Writing a teleop node


  1. Pairing

Start by installing the dependencies and compiling the driver:

If this joystick has already been paired to this dongle you can skip this section and go directly to 'Connecting to the Joystick Via Bluetooth'. This will usually be the case when you are working on the PR2.

For Computers with More than One USB Port

Plug the USB bluetooth dongle into your computer. Then, plug the PS3 bluetooth joystick into the computer using a USB cable.

Load the bluetooth dongle's MAC address into the PS3 joystick using:

You will see something similar to:

Press Ctrl-D now so that you do not continue to run as root.

If you get something like the following:

Sixpair Mac Download


Run the command:

and then retry:

For Computers with One USB Port

Plug the USB bluetooth dongle into the computer and read the MAC address from the dongle:

You will see something like this:

(In the above example, the MAC address is: 00:22:B0:D0:5A:09)

Now unplug the bluetooth dongle and plug the PS3 joystick into the computer using a USB cable. Replace the joystick's MAC address using the following command:

You will see something like this:

Press Ctrl-D now so that you do not continue to run as root.

Unplug the joystick from the computer and make sure that the USB bluetooth dongle is plugged in. Now, start the program to create the connection between the bluetooth dongle and the joystick:

You will see:

Press the PS button in the middle of the joystick and the connection will be activated.

You will see:

If you do not see the above message and you are running Karmic or Lucid versions of Ubuntu you may need to follow these instructions.

In a new terminal, confirm that the joystick is sending data to your computer. You can test this with jstest:

(if this does not work, try replacing ? with the number of your joystick --try tab completing, i.e. /dev/input/js0 )

You will see output that looks like this and changes as you press buttons and move the joysticks:

If you ever need to unpair the joystick, you can simply press the pairing button for 10 seconds. The lights on the joystick should stop blinking.